Dear friends,

Over the past few weeks, we’ve witnessed unprecedented global anxiety due to the pandemic. Many of us are experiencing significant changes in our routines and daily lives. We here in Colorado are under “shelter in place” orders for at least the next few weeks. No one knows what to expect, and it would be so easy for our innermost fears to rise to the surface and rear their ugly heads. The question that obviously arises in such circumstances is both simple and complex: what does it look like to trust the Lord with our lives and our world, while also practicing wisdom and discernment?

Last week, along with many others across the country, Reclaiming Hope transitioned our staff to work from home. While we miss connecting in person, we are fortunate that much of our work across the nation is conducted by phone, online and via shipping. So we are still very much open for ministry. Sadly, human trafficking doesn’t cease because of a virus. Women, men and children still suffer and our staff will continue to answer calls from FBI, Homeland Security and other law enforcement officials, as well as from survivors we exist to serve. This battle isn’t showing signs of slowing down.

But just as you have been there for us fighting the battle of modern human slavery, we want you to know that we are with you in this new health battle, daily praying for you, for our community and for our leaders. AND we are asking the Lord, even in the midst of this global tragedy, to use it to bring the lost to Himself.

Please pray with us that these circumstances will cause those perpetrating evil across the globe to lift their eyes to Jesus, to contemplate eternity, to repent and seek God’s forgiveness for their wickedness and healing for their hearts. Please pray, too, for the women, men and children ensnared in trafficking, that they will continue to be rescued, find the help & healing they need and be transformed through Christ.

This virus wasn’t our plan, but we trust God’s sovereignty, and as always, are asking Him to move. If you find yourself with extra time on your hands in these coming days, perhaps the Lord might use that time to prompt you to call a friend, write a note of encouragement, or spend extended time praying for our staff, survivors, our communities, and our world. We’d love to hear how God is using these weeks of semi-quarantine in your lives, and we look forward to sharing how He uses them in ours.

In the meantime, we want to press in to the Lord and take advantage of the opportunity to pray for YOU. If you have not already received a call from us, would you please respond by emailing and let us know how you and your family are doing and how we may be praying for you? If you’d like a personal call, please share your phone number. We’d love to speak with you, to pray personally with and for you. As always, we are grateful for your prayers for us.

JOY! (In spite of circumstances)
DiAnna Steele, CEO

“When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me Joy…” Psalm 94:19