Save the date for Sunday evening, September 12! 

We will be celebrating our ten+ years of ministry, and you are invited to join us for a night of dining, fellowship and a big announcement from our team! After ten years of advocacy and healing work, we recognize that as human trafficking has shifted over time, we must also evolve our services to match the needs of sex trafficking Survivors.
We’re in an exciting time where we’re seeing justice take place. In 2020, more than 1,250 lives were positively impacted by Reclaiming Hope. We are confident that in the next ten years, that number will multiply with our continued prayerful direction, stewardship of resources, and dedication to our mission.
We can’t wait to see you on September 12! Tickets are available on our website (beginning July 1) and if you have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to

As we head into Fourth of July weekend to celebrate the freedoms we have as Americans, may we lift up those who are enslaved around the world. I pray we use our liberties to benefit those who aren’t free. With every firework we see, may that explosion be a reminder to reach out to a friend, neighbor, church acquaintance, family member or stranger and share with them the freeing love of Jesus Christ.  

In prayers and in Christ, 

Sues Hess
Executive Director


Is God calling you to walk with a survivor? Reclaiming Hope mentors are women who train, support and journey with human trafficking Survivors for at least two years. They become unconditional, encouraging, faithful friends who love on women who have been traumatized and need support working through that. 

One Survivor has said, “My mentor has been there with me every step of the way and helped make me feel like I’m a normal human being again. When I have times when I doubt my memories, what happened, she’s been there for me to reassure me that I’m okay. She’s been an amazing friend…”

We are training new mentors this August. If you have prayed about this and would like to be considered as a Mentor, please fill out a mentor program application! Your completed application will go to Mandie, our Director of Survivor Care, who will then connect with you. 


The Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation (CESE) is hosting its second virtual Global Summit on July 20-24, 2021. More than 100 speakers will address the modern day issues of human trafficking. The theme of this year’s conference is “Building a Future Free of Sexual Abuse and Exploitation.” Registration is free – and it’s not too late to do so!

When youth have access to more services, they are more likely to have a better start to life. Read more about HB21-1094, also known as the Foster Youth In Transition Program, which aims to provide access to Medicaid, housing, case management, employment, education, acquisition of driver’s licenses and identification documents, etc. to foster youth who meet eligibility criteria.

Global tech giant Google just announced major changes to make Chromebook devices safer for K–12 students—a move that will impact millions of kids worldwide.


  • Pray for a Mentee who has lost multiple family members recently and is moving through the grieving process.
  • Pray for other Mentees who are pursuing sobriety; one is navigating pregnancy. Another needs a new housing solution.
  • Pray for a Mentor who is working through a challenging career change.  
  • Please pray for Reclaiming Hope advocates to speak up about our mission and dedicate their time and resources to providing for the Restoration Bag program.
  • Please pray for Mandie, Lisa, Kim and Sues as they serve with us!

Praise for our supporters leading up to our September Celebration!