We are grateful!

It’s been a whirlwind last 3 months for us. First – our move into the new space God provided for us at 615 Wooten Road. We moved from 1,550 sq. ft. to 12,000 sq. ft.! How grateful we are for landlords who support our mission (making the move possible), including our former landlords. And we’re grateful for the many volunteers who helped us to not only pack, move, unpack, but also to fill and decorate our space. For the first time in our ministry, we have dedicated space to welcome Survivors into our space! Please join us Sunday, Oct. 29, for our office Open House (more info below).

Then we trained new Mentors in August, most of whom either have or are about to be assigned Mentees. We currently have 18 Mentors, and 14 are matched, with more scheduled to be matched in the next few days. Other Survivors continue to reach out, asking for various levels of case management. We’re keeping busy, serving Survivors!

August and September both meant many speaking engagements, specifically addressing trafficking interest generated by the “Sound of Freedom” movie. (If you’d like one of our staff to talk to a group, let us know. We offer education as well as positive, practical ways everyone can address trafficking.)

In September about 180 of you joined us for our annual fundraising dinner, Walking in Hope. Many have commented on how impactful the evening was. Thanks to those who joined us!

8 days later we were involved in a Golf Tournament. Between these 2 events, we raised over $70,000 (net). Wow. Again, we are grateful. Your donations at these events translate into more safe, secure housing for Survivors. We can now keep our two apartments open, and tomorrow we will view another apartment (#3!) to add to our offerings. Thank you!

On a somber note: Mandie, our Director of Survivor Care, has been facing health challenges which are affecting her mobility. The most frustrating part is not yet having a firm diagnosis which explains all of her symptoms. Would you please join us in praying for her?


Sues Hess, Exec. Dir. and the Reclaiming Hope Team

Will you help send a Christmas stocking to a local Survivor?

“You literally made a miracle at Christmas, being the only gift I received.” – stocking recipient

Each December, we partner with Colorado law enforcement and community organizations to deliver Stockings for Survivors of human trafficking.  These stockings are designed to delight survivors and show them they are worthy of care and love.  Each stocking includes a $20 gift card and has contents that fit within one of three themes. 

The themes are Arts and Crafts, Readers and Writers, as well as Spa and Self Care.  Themed stockings help us to give the survivor a stocking filled with items they will love.  We already have more stockings ordered this year than last year so we need help from our generous donors to collect the contents of each stocking. 

Would you please consider donating gift cards or stocking contents that fit within our themes so you can bless a survivor of human trafficking this Christmas?  We have included inspiration lists to help you with ideas on items to purchase.  We need to receive these donations by November 15th.  Thank you so much!

What Can I Do?

Join us at our Open House on October 29th!

Come and see our new space on October 29th from 2 - 4 pm. We recently moved offices and would love to show you what God has provided! Celebrate with us. Please call 719-425-9405 for directions to our new office space. You can also purchase items from our "New Office Wish List" if you'd like. Thank you!

Sign the petition to shut down PornHub.

Will you help us shut down Pornhub and holds its Executives accountable for aiding trafficking? Please consider signing the petition at the link attached.

Register for the Human Trafficking Task Force Symposium

The theme of the 16th Annual Human Trafficking Task Force Symposium is "At What Price?". They will shine a light on the issues of child labor, slave labor, and human trafficking in our global supply chains.

Prayer Requests

Thank you for being our prayer warriors! Please join us in praying for through our monthly prayer calendars!